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How To License Your Pet 

Chipman Pet Vet • June 13, 2019


You love your furry family member and want to ensure your pet is happy and healthy at all times. You take the time to pick out the best nutritional food, keep your pet’s vaccinations up-to-date, walk your dog and play with your kitty and buy them the latest interactive toys.

But there are many pet owners that do not register their dog or cat with the city, even though it’s the law.

If you are taking your pet for walks around the neighborhood or to the park, there is a possibility that you could be stopped by enforcement officers and asked to see verification of your pet license tag. If you fail to show proof, you could be ticketed and fined, which can become very expensive.


Benefits of Licensing your Pet

There are many benefits to pet licensing and very few drawbacks to it.

Let’s review the benefits:

A pet license verifies that your dog or cat is up-to-date with their vaccinations.


All pets need to be up-to-date on their rabies vaccination before you apply for a pet license. Most veterinarians vaccinate puppies and kittens at 12-16 weeks of age. Every year these vaccines should be repeated. Keeping current on your pet’s rabies vaccination makes your life easier when grooming or boarding your pet. It is required when your pet is travelling with the airlines or dropping your dog off at doggie playland. So keeping your pet’s rabies vaccination and pet licensing current should be an annual priority for any pet owner.


A pet registration can help track your pet if they become lost.

A pet license helps the shelters identify your pet so you can quickly be reunited with your loved one. If your pet is not wearing a pet license tag and becomes lost, it will make more difficult for the shelter to find you. That would be a tragedy!

The fees you pay go to fund local shelters.

The money used from pet registration helps pay for food, utilities and care for homeless and lost animals. If your pet is ever brought to a shelter, these fees help keep your pet safe, warm and fed. It helps all pets in the community be cared for whether they are lost or need a forever home. Now that is a noble cause!

It’s quick and inexpensive.

All dogs and cats must be licensed prior to May 1 of each calendar year. A certificate of rabies vaccination (within the previous twelve month period) must be submitted along with the pet license application. The annual cost for neutered or spayed pets are $10 a year but you must show proof of sterilization. If you don’t know if your pet is current on the rabies vaccination, ask for a rabies tag lookup. Most of the time it can be found with a on the rabies vaccination certificate or you can bring the invoice from your veterinarian or shelter confirming the surgery has been completed. The cost for pets that aren’t spayed/neutered is $45 per year.

If your pet is neutered or spayed, and also has a permanent microchip, you qualify for the Lifetime Pet License for a $50 one-time fee. Lifetime pet licenses are only available at City Hall or the Animal Shelter.

How do I license my pet and where to buy dog tags?

You can purchase pet license tags online :

Online Registration is available at the following link: https://cityofls.net/animal-control/pet-license

Visit in person at the Animal Control or City Hall:

Animal Control Lee’s Summit: 1991 SE Hamblen Rd 64082
816-969-1640 or after hours emergency line: 816-969-7390
Hours: M-F 8am-5pm, Sat-Sun 10am-2pm

Lee’s Summit City Hall address: 220 SE Green St, Lee’s Summit, MO 64063
Hours: M-F 8am-5pm, Closed Sat-Sun

Once you receive your pet license and rabies tags, attach the tags to your pet’s collar and make sure they are visible whenever they are outdoors.

You pet brings you so much daily love, laughter and snuggles that pet registration is a piece of cake and a great way to add a little more protection into their lives. To learn more about pet licensing in the city of Lee’s Summit visit: https://cityofls.net/animal-control/pet-license

If you live outside of Lee’s Summit, visit PetData and enter your zip code to determine your city’s guidelines for pet licensing. You can also search for owners of lost animals by entering their pet license into the tag search database.

If you are looking for an expert veterinarian in Lee's Summit, MO, call Chipman Road Animal Clinic 816-524-1886

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