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Tips for Cats: How to Keep Your House Cat Happy

Colby Heiner • May 6, 2020
Keep Your Cat Happy Indoors | Chipman Blog

Perched at the top of their cat tree and majestic in their own eyes, they are rulers of their abode. Springing from couch to blinds to chair, they are masters of the ultimate floor is lava game, often at 2am. Then they nap in the sunlight for hours.

These hysterical little creatures, that can so gently paw your face as they lie with you at naptime, then the very next second bite your chin with their tiny, sharp teeth to make certain you know just how much they love you, are actually quite simple to entertain and keep content. Happy cat, happy life!

Cat trees, cat toys, scratching posts and window perches are definitely a few allies for keeping your cat happy. Let’s get down on a cat’s eye view and explore the world of keeping a happy cat!

The Magic of Cat Tree's and Cat Scratching Posts

Climbing, scratching, getting to the highest point in the room is the epitome of a house cat’s daily routine. Cat trees often fulfill all three in one thereby making a cat tree the perfect safe space for our furry feline friends. A cat hiding is normal and since many house cats are often timid or anxious, cat trees give them a sense of safety and security. They’re often made with boxes they can crawl into to hide or play, and perches that let them climb higher and higher.

Is your cat scratching furniture? Cats have a natural urge to scratch. Scratching helps to remove old material to sharpen their claws and also allows them to mark their territory with the scent glands found in their paws. Many cat trees incorporate cat scratching posts into their design, but regardless of whether it’s built within a cat tree or as a standalone one, a scratching post allows them the freedom to scratch away while keeping your own furniture safe from getting shredded.

Cat trees and cat scratching posts mean giving your cats places they can confidently claim as their own.

Cat Tree's and Cat Scratching Posts | Chipman Road Animal Clinic

Make Sure You Have a Good Cat Perch

If it’s one thing our beloved cats do well, it’s lounging around. And when they do, they love and prefer a cat perch with a great vantage point, the higher the better. Here are several ideas of things you can buy along with ideas of what you likely have around the house: 

  • Cat window perch – generally a simple platform that attaches to a window frame, though there are also some available that hang via suction cups. 
  • Cat tree – options are near endless, they usually have multiple levels, boxes with openings, stairs, hanging toys and more.
  • Cat window hammock or hanging hammock – these can be a stand-alone, come with its own frame, and attach to a ceiling, window, or wall. 
  • A bed near the window – have a bedroom opened up with a bed pushed next to a window. 
  • Chairs and couches – have one or more placed near a window, then add an extra blanket or pillow for extra cushion because cats love cozy. 
  • Leave extra space on bookshelves , on the top or in the middle – boxes are a cat’s best friend, but when they’re not available, cats will often crawl into cozy spaces anywhere.


Search the web and you’ll find tons of DIY ideas of converting old furniture into cat stations or playhouses, from old suitcases and baby changing tables to using PVC pipe to create a unique hanging hammock. Just be sure to read reviews and keep safety at the forefront of your mind when deciding what’s right for your family cat and your home.

Cat Climbing is Normal 

If you have a cat climbing shelves, remember, cats LOVE to climb. Even for house cats, climbing is as instinctual for them as a leopard in the jungles of India. Cats will climb as high as they’re allowed, then search for a way to climb even higher!

As a kitten, climbing is among the first things they’ll do. Cat climbing helps them perfect their balance as well as develop muscles and flexibility. As they grow, they realize, it’s just plain fun! Like many other animals, cats are territorial, and this is another way for our feline friends to expand their own territory by exploring upwards. If you have multiple cats, having extra space to climb higher, such as cat trees, will also help reduce cat conflicts.

Consider A Cat Window Hammock or Bed

Cats love cozy, soft, cushiony, close quartered spaces to relax and sleep, especially to soak up the sun or have a place to watch outdoor critters. A cat window hammock or cat window bed can quickly become your cat’s favorite place. It also expands their personal space for safety and comfort.

Buying a special place for your cat to sleep and relax may seem like overkill, but by encouraging this, it may even help keep fur in check. Having a dedicated bed might help limit fur around the house that occurs from sleeping all over the house, especially if your cat is a heavy shedder.

Cat Playtime is Essential 

Our purr babies need and love their playtime. They’re agile and strong and the perfect jumping, pouncing and dashing machines. Cats are most active when kittens, yet even as they get older, cats still love playtime. They tend to decide when playtime happens, so it’s good to have safe, fun cat toys on hand. 

It’s hard to know what you cat will love. Playtime personalities vary widely. Some cats love long stringy toys, some love cat tunnels, some are happy with just attacking your hands like they’re the king of the jungle. As you get to know your cat, start with one or two different types of toys, then as you see what he’s drawn to, add to the collection to keep the environment stimulating. 
  • Cat toys off the shelf – little mice, dangly strings, stuffed or plastic cat balls with jingle bells, and more.
  • Cat toys around your home – crumpled balls of paper, small cardboard boxes, shower curtain rings or milk jug rings, toilet pap…. wait a minute… scratch that. Ha! 

Just explore your cat’s personality and the right toy will be made known.

Though be cautious of the toys you choose. Some cats are prone to chewing and swallowing small things, so if a toy seems to be falling apart, discard it right away. Many of the parts and string are indigestible for cats and can lead to health problems, even surgery. 

You don’t have to buy a slew of cat toys, just keep in mind, if nothing is provided, they will find their own… you know what we’re talking about… knocking things off tables, attacking your feet under the table or covers, jumping out from hidden spaces. Of course, they’ll probably do those things anyway, but cat toys just add to the fun. 

Cats LOVE House Plants, But Make Sure It's Not Harmful

Cats will nibble on house plants for many reasons, usually out of boredom. The number one priority is to make sure your house plants, at very least the ones with within their reach, are safe for your cats. 

Many house plants are poisonous to cats and can lead to health problems including digestive problems, problems breathing, swelling, kidney failure, and more. To avoid a cat-astrophe, choose indoor plants safe for cats, hang plants high and out of reach, or keep them in a room away from your cats.

Of course, if your cat is showing symptoms of ingesting something unsafe for them, keep a close eye on them and contact your vet right away.

For a list of safe and unsafe house plant options and tips for cats and house plants, read here, 

It doesn’t take too much effort to keep happy indoor cats. And in return, your cat will thank you with many purrs, snuggles and a long, healthy, happy life!

If you are looking for an expert veterinarian in Lee's Summit, MO, call Chipman Road Animal Clinic 816-524-1886

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